Turks detained for using encrypted app ‚had human rights breached‘ | World news | The Guardian


A legal study published in the U.K. has found that the arrest of 75,000 suspects in Turkey, primarily because they downloaded the "ByLock" encrypted messaging app, is arbitrary and illegal. Notably, Taner Kiliç, the head of Amnesty International in Turkey, remains in custody in Turkey after being arrested at a digital security training in July. Yet according to Amnesty, the only claim presented by the authorities purportedly linking him to a crime was the alleged existence of Bylock on his phone — which he denies ever having downloaded or used. Read more via The Guardian

virtualbox and usb card reader

If I can't see my card reader in virtual OS, and I can't see it even in the list of USB devices to patch through, then try:

sudo VirtualBox

if I can see them here, then I have to add my user to vbox user group


(if GUI does not store the info then manually)

Московские мусульмане отметили окончание Рамадана! – Варламов.ру


Dnešní ranní Moskva, muslimský svátek Eid al Fitr. Foto pro všechny blouznivce, kteří se domnívají, že by nás mohl Putin ochránit před radikálním islámem. Na území RF je podle tajných služeb samotného Ruska několik set tisíc radikálních islamistů.
Foto Alexander Mitrofanov

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