Islanďania stiahli kandidatúru do Únie. Prečo chcú radšej zostať sami?
Vo voľbách v roku 2013 utrpeli Sociálni demokrati podľa portálu Euractiv najťažšiu prehru vládnej strany od zisku nezávislosti v roku 1944. K moci sa dostali pravicové strany, ktoré vstup krajiny do Európskej únie odmietali.
Najskôr pozastavili prístupový proces, aby vo štvrtok ich minister zahraničia Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson vo vyhlásení povedal, že „Island už viac nie je kandidátska krajina a vláda žiada, aby sa EÚ podľa toho správala.“
Podľa prieskumov za posledné roky narástla nechuť Islanďanov vstúpiť do Únie. Podľa februárového prieskumu vstup podporuje tretina krajiny, takmer polovica je proti.
Iceland’s ‘crowd-sourced’ constitution is dead
Posted on 29 March 2013 by Baldur Bjarnason (@fakebaldur)
* late 2008 and early 2009: pots- and pans-banging crowds in Parliament Square in Reykjavík
* early 2009: new post-crash government that came to office
* Fewer than 37% percent voted in the election for the constitutional parliament.
* The next step should have been to put the draft to a committee that would then have solicited feedback from constitutional scholars, lawyers, and other experts. Parliament should have then spent several months of continuous work hammering out the gaps, loopholes, and wording of the document before presenting it to the nation. Instead the government put it in a drawer and sat on it for months.
* At first the goal was to put the completed constitution proposal to a referendum alongside the presidential election in June 2012.
* The only thing that the autumn 2012 constitutional referendum accomplished was to prove that the new constitution was dead. But that’s not how foreign media reported it.
* after the October 2012 referendum that some of the unsupportive academics stepped forward with critical comments on the bill
Democracy on ice: a post-mortem of the Icelandic constitution
Thorvaldur Gylfason 19 June 2013
Rôzne citáty, odkazy, poznámky, referencie