Mesačné archívy: január 2015
Nie v rómskych okresoch, ale v centre Bratislavy je najvyššia kriminalita
Rudolf SivýTvrdenie „čím viac Rómov žije v lokalite, tým je nebezpečnejšia“ neplatí. Viaceré oblasti s výraznou rómskou populáciou patria na Slovensku k tým bezpečnejším.
Nie okresy na strednom či východnom Slovensku, ale centrum Bratislavy je najnebezpečnejšie v krajine. V rebríčku oblastí podľa kriminality na počet obyvateľov sú okresy so silnou rómskou populáciou skôr v lepšej polovici.
V bratislavskom Starom Meste bol vlani obeťou trestného činu v priemere každý devätnásty obyvateľ. Obyvatelia tohto okresu mali vlani aj už tradične štatisticky najväčšiu pravdepodobnosť, že sa stanú obeťou ekonomického alebo majetkového trestného činu.
Na druhom a treťom najhoršom mieste nasledujú okresy Bratislava II a Bratislava III.
Na štvrtom mieste sú Košice, kde žije aj veľká rómska populácia. V prvej dvadsiatke sú potom z rómskych okresov len Lučenec, Poltár a Revúca.
Na Slovensku máme podľa minuloročného Atlasu rómskych komunít vyše 400-tisíc Rómov. Väčšina Rómov žije na Slovensku v pätnástich okresoch. Jedenásť z nich patrí medzi tie bezpečnejšie.
10 Ways To Talk To Your Kids About Sexual Abuse
The idea of someone molesting your child is terrifying for any parent (unless the parent is the child molester, which is 37% of the time).
The pain, fear, and trauma they may experience at such a young age are frightening to consider. It’s enough to make any parent freak out and want to never ever think about it again.
And then we hope it will just never happen to our own child.
Except your daughter has a 1 in 4 chance and your son has a 1 in 6 chance of being molested before the age of 18. Children with disabilities are 2.9 times more likely than children without disabilities to be sexually abused.
I know you don’t want to hear it or believe it. But it’s true.
And these statistics are too high for any parent to risk staying uninformed about the reality of child sexual abuse and not talking to their child about it.
On top of that, the majority of children never report sexual abuse when it’s happening. They’re often afraid of their parents’ reactions or fear getting into trouble. They don’t know how to explain what happened to them or believe what the abuser told them to keep them quiet.
Now, you can never protect your child fully from ever being molested. But you can do a lot to reduce your child’s vulnerability to sexual abuse and increase the chances they’ll tell you after something happens.
You just need to talk to them directly about it and do it many times.
Why Talking About Sexual Abuse Is Like Talking About Crossing the Street
The idea of talking to your kid about sexual abuse probably seems worse than even talking to them about sex.
You don’t want to scare them (or yourself) in the process. You don’t want to strip away their innocence. You don’t want to introduce them to how much violence and abuse there is in the world.
But given the statistics, your child is much more likely to be molested than to be hit by a car when crossing the street.
So try thinking of these conversations as being just as important (and frankly more important given the statistics) than teaching your child how to cross the road safely.
It’s one of the things you teach your child as a sign of love and care and as a way to keep them safe.
Remember that when you take a deep breath and begin talking to your child about their body.
Ways of Approaching the Conversation
1. Frame the conversation for yourself as a way of loving your child: Starting from a loving place and not a scared place will help create the calm environment for your child. This will help them really listen to the words you’re saying. If you’re frightened and stressed, they will react primarily to that fear and not register what you’re saying as much.
It’s also important to not treat the subject like its taboo or dirty (which is how we often treat anything related to sex). Even when parents try to hide their feelings, children are often very perceptive and pick up on small cues telling them that something is wrong.
They then may think talking about someone hurting them might be wrong even if you say it’s not. So speak from a calm, casual, and loving frame of mind when having these conversations.
2. Begin talking to them as young as 2 years old: This may seem very early but children under 12 are most at risk at 4 years old. Even if they can’t speak well, children at this age are busy figuring out the world. And they certainly understand and remember a lot more than adults usually realize.
For example, when giving a bath, tell them where their private parts are and that the parent is seeing and touching them to clean them but that normally nobody should.
3. Teach them the actual names of their private parts: When you begin teaching them parts of their body like ears, eyes, and toes, also teach them the real names of their private parts like “vagina” and “penis” and not their “cute” names. This gives them the right words to use if someone is hurting them and makes sure the person being told understands what’s happening. It’s also important to teach both female and male anatomy because the abuser can be of any gender and they need to know how to describe what happens to them.
In one case, a child told her parent that her stomach was hurting. When they took her to the doctor, he informed them that her vagina showed signs of rape. Their little daughter had been trying to tell them what was happening but she just didn’t know what to call her vagina. So she said stomach instead.
4. Share the only instances when their private parts can be seen and touched: An age appropriate concept for a young child to understand is that nobody – including a parent or caregiver – should see or touch their private parts (what a swimming suit covers up) – unless they’re keeping them clean, safe, or healthy.
But also make sure they know that even in these situations, if someone is hurting them, they can still say, “stop, it hurts” and tell their parent immediately.
Some examples to help them understand what you’re talking about are when you’re giving them a bath or a doctor is seeing them. Ask them if that’s an example of keeping them clean, safe, or healthy as you’re doing it.
5. Teach them that private parts are special: When talking about this topic, it’s important to not create a taboo or dirty feeling around their private parts. Instead parents can teach their child that their private parts are so special that they’re just for them and no one else, unless someone is helping them keep their private parts clean, safe, or healthy.
You can also ask them what it feels like when someone is touching them their in order to keep it clean, safe, or healthy. This will help them understand the difference between that type of touching and someone touching them sexually.
Also explain that if someone is making them feel “tingly and nice” in their private parts, it’s still not appropriate and they should tell you immediately. It’s important to not make them wrong or ashamed for having any sexual pleasure since many children do touch themselves. Instead make it clear that it’s a problem if someone else is doing it to them.
It’s also important to teach them that it’s inappropriate to touch other people’s private parts, even if an adult asks them to. And if someone does, they should tell you immediately.
This is an important step to help children develop a healthy sexuality before discussing sex itself with them. When they are older, of course, you can have the conversation about when it is appropriate to touch another person’s private parts and give and receive sexual pleasure.
6. Teach them (and respect) their right to control their bodies: This flies in the face of what we often teach our children – that adults have absolute authority over everything and children have to do what they’re told. The problem is that this only teaches them to not speak up when they’re feeling hurt and scared because of what an adult is telling them to do.
Instead, teach your child that their body is theirs and no one has the right to hurt their bodies even when a grown up is doing it. For children, it’s very empowering to have permission to say “no” to an adult if they’re uncomfortable with the request.
For example, when you’re at a social event, don’t make your child kiss or hug anyone. Instead let your child know they can give a kiss, hug, handshake, or nothing to people they see and it’s entirely up to them. And when an adult tries to make them give them a hug and they don’t want to, encourage the child to say “no” and support their decision verbally if needed.
7. Explain that no one should physically hurt them, especially in their private parts. 85% of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by someone they know. It may be a parent, relative, family friend, neighbor, teacher, or religious leader. It may be a man, woman, or another child.
It can be anyone. No one unfortunately is on the safe list. In fact, children are most vulnerable with the family members and acquaintances. So make sure your child knows that no one can hurt their bodies no matter who they’re with – even when they’re with their parent.
It’s also important that they understand you’re talking to them about this because you love them and want them to be safe. Just like you teach them about crossing the road because they might get hit by a car, you’re also teaching them that someone might sexually hurt them. It doesn’t mean it will happen.
But in case someone tries to, your child will know they can say “no, stop that” and tell you what happened without you being upset with them.
8. Encourage them to trust their gut around their safety: While parents shouldn’t instill a fear of people in their child, they should support their child in trusting their gut instinct. By trusting their intuition, children will both be more empowered around making their own choices about who’s safe instead of relying primarily on what a parent told them. This is important because a parent won’t always be there with them.
One way is to tell the child before social events that if they ever feel uncomfortable with someone – even if nothing has happened, they can leave the room and tell their parent. Even if it looks “rude,” they should know that they will not be punished for simply leaving the room. Their sense of safety comes before the need to be “polite.”
9. Explain that a secret is still a secret when shared with the parents: Many abusers tell their child victims that what happened was a secret and to not tell anyone, especially their parents. So it’s important to teach them early on that secrets are still kept secret if they tell their mom or dad.
Additionally, they should understand anyone who wants them to keep secrets from their parents shouldn’t be trusted and they should definitely tell their parents about it.
10. Tell them that you will believe them if someone is hurting them and they won’t be in trouble: Many abusers tell their victims that no one will believe them and create a sense of shame around what happened. Children in general, usually blame themselves and take responsibility for things that happen in their lives, regardless of who’s actually responsible for it.
Given this, children often fear what their parent will do if they tell them, including being punished. Make sure they know without a doubt that you won’t be upset, that they’ve done the right thing, and that you’re proud of them for telling them the truth.
But Here’s the Most Important Thing To Do
If you remember nothing else, remember this – these conversations should be ongoing, open, and casual.
You wouldn’t tell your child just once to not cross the street without looking both ways. You’d tell them several times and probably even quiz them about what they need to do when they want to cross the road.
It’s the same deal for sexual abuse – except you have this conversation from a much earlier age and it changes as your child grows up and becomes a teenager.
While nothing can keep your child 100% safe, if you keep an open, casual dialogue with your child, keep an eye out for signs, and pay attention to how your child responds to people, you’ve significantly reduced the risk of someone sexually abusing your child.
WP – translatable webpage plugin
Čistý zub sa nepokazi
Možno trochu na odľahčenie vypätej situácie v spoločnosti, ale určite nie na škodu, prinášam nemenej dôležitú tému, ktorá v N-ku ešte myslím spomínaná nebola.
Ako študent zubného lekárstva sa už od svojich počiatkov zúčastňujem rôznych preventívnych akcií, ktoré majú za cieľ zvýšiť povedomie o dentálnej hygiene v našej spoločnosti. Vedomosti o orálnom zdraví sú medzi spoluobčanmi naozaj veľmi rôznorodé a neraz prevládajú akési domnienky, ktoré sú nesprávne a len ťažko sa vytesňujú z našich hláv.
Na začiatok si treba vlastne uvedomiť, prečo je potrebné sa o zuby starať. Počiatkom všetkých problémov a bolestí je zubný kaz. Ten prebieha ako akýsi chronický chemický proces, počas ktorého sú tvrdé zubné tkanivá napádané organickými kyselinami. Už asi dve hodiny po vyčistení zubov sa na ich povrchu začína usádzať glykoproteínová slinná vrstva, na ktorú sa s veľkou ochotou začnú fyzikálnymi aj chemickými silami pripútavať prvé mikroorganizmy. A tie sú veľmi dobre organizované a jedna druhej vytvárajú vhodné podmienky pre to, aby sa vzájomne koagregovali a vytvárali zložitý systém orálneho biofilmu, s priestormi, ktorými prúdia výživné látky smerom k baktériám. Spomínanými živinami sú pre baktérie cukorné zložky potravy, ktoré sú ich metabolizmom spracované na dané organické kyseliny – mliečnu, octovú, propiónovú a iné. Najväčším priekopníkom vzhľadom k vzniku zubného kazu sa zdajú byť streptokoky zo skupiny mutans. Kým iné baktérie pri nízkom pH končia so svojím metabolizmom a toto prostredie im vadí, streptokok je aj pri pH okolo 5 stále aktívny a produkuje ďalšie a ďalšie kyseliny.
A toto okyseľovanie prostredia v dutine ústnej vedie k situácii, keď pri pH približne 5,5 dochádza k presunu minerálnych látok z tvrdých zubných tkanív do dutiny ústnej, do sliny, zubná sklovina sa stáva poréznejšou a vytvárajú sa priestory k tomu, aby sa mikroorganizmy dostávali hlbšie a hlbšie, do zuboviny, v horších prípadoch až do zubnej drene. Je teda len na nás samotných a na skúsenosti zubných lekárov, aby sme prevenciou dospeli k situácii, aby proces zubného kazu nenastal, prípadne sme ho postihli už v počiatočnej fáze, kedy ešte nie je nutné to nepríjemné vŕtanie.
Preto sa v pár bodoch pokúsim naznačiť, čo je potrebné dodržiavať pri starostlivosti o zuby a čomu je potrebné sa vyhnúť.
<strong>1. Aká je tá najlepšia zubná kefka?</strong>
Neustále sme zaplavovaní reklamnými spotmi, kde vždy tá jedna konkrétna je najlepšia a lepšiu už ani netreba hľadať. Nejde vôbec o to, akú má kefka značku, ale aké má parametre. Ideálna kefka musí mať čo najhustejšie štetiny. Baktérie sú veľmi malé a pri riedkom rozložení štetín nemusí byť niektorá postihnutá a mikroorganizmus zostane adherovaný na zubnom povrchu. Platí teda, že čím viac štetín, tým lepšie. Rovnako je dôležité, aby štetiny boli zastrihnuté dorovna. Znova si treba predstaviť situáciu, keď by niektoré štetiny nedosahovali do úrovne tých ostatných. Pri čistení by nám boli zbytočné. Celá hlavica by mala byť čo najmenšia, aby sme sa s ňou ľahko dostali aj do menej prístupných miest dutiny ústnej, napríklad do priestoru za zubami múdrosti. No a čo sa týka tvrdosti? Tu je potrebné, aby štetiny boli čo najmäkšie. Zubný povlak nie je zaschnutá špina na hrnci, ktorú treba drhnúť drôtenou kefou. Má konzistenciu ako maslo. Tvrdé kefky zbytočne odierajú povrch skloviny.
<strong>2. Akou technikou si máme čistiť zuby?</strong>
Rovnako v tejto oblasti môžeme počuť z každej strany rôzne názory na to, ktorá metóda je tá najlepšia. V prvom rade je dôležité chytiť kefku do ruky správne, s príznačnou silou. Tá musí byť čo najmenšia! Ak neviete kontrolovať silu, ktorou tlačíte na zub, chyťte si kefku radšej do ruky ako pero. Vtedy máte istotu, že nebudete tlačiť prílišne. Silné pohyby spoločne s tvrdou zubnou kefkou sú veľkou chybou a vedú k tzv. abrazii tvrdých zubných tkanív, teda ich strate mechanickým zaobchádzaním.<br>
Pri čistení zubov nesmieme zabúdať na žiadne miesto, kde sa plak prednostne usádza. Jedná sa o štrbiny na žuvacích plochách, predná a zadná plocha zubu pod maximálnym zaoblením, medzizubné priestory (ale o tých v inom bode) a priestor tzv. ďasnového žliabku, teda oblasť hlboká asi jeden milimeter, uložená pod povrchom ďasna. Rôzne metódy čistenia nekladú dôraz na túto oblasť. Pri zanechaní biofilmu práve v tomto mieste dochádza k postupnému prerušovaniu závesného aparátu zubu, ktorý vedie k parodontóze a vypadávaniu zubov. Preto je dôležité si čistiť zuby nasledovne:<br>
Hlavicu zubnej kefky umiestnite tak, aby jej polovica ležala na ďasne a polovica na zube a skloňte ju asi o 45° smerom v spomínanému ďasnovému žliabku. A následne vykonávajte jemné krúživé pohyby o malom priemere. Pokračujte postupne po celom zubnom oblúku spredu aj zozadu, asi päťkrát na jednom mieste. Tým dosiahnete odstránenie plaku zo spomínanej oblasti.
<strong>3. Ako dlho si mám čistiť zuby?</strong>
Tu sa nedá povedať žiadny časový limit. Platí jednoduché pravidlo. Zuby treba čistiť dovtedy, kým nie sú vyčistené. Ako dlho to bude, to už záleží len na vašej šikovnosti.
<strong>4. Čo s medzizubnými priestormi?</strong>
Až štyri zubné kazy z piatich sú dnes diagnostikované práve v tejto oblasti. Je miestom, kde nedochádza k samoočisťovaniu slinami, teda miestom, kde sa plak usádza prednostne. Zároveň je tento druh kazov najhorším z hľadiska možnosti diagnostiky. Kým si zubný lekár všimne prítomnosť tohto kazu zmenou sfarbenia skloviny, často je už v hlbších vrstvách tvrdých zubných tkanív a preto je potrebné k ich odhaleniu zhotoviť rtg snímok. Pri čistení týchto priestorov sú dve možnosti:<br>
Medzizubné kefky. Sú naozaj výhodnou pomôckou a prakticky nevyhnutným spoločníkom v procese dentálnej hygieny. Ich používanie je jednoduché, rýchle a ušetrí nám kopu bolestí. Netreba sa však v začiatkoch ich používania zľaknúť krvácania. Je to normálny jav dráždenia ďasna, po dvoch týždňoch bude preč.<br>
Zubná niť. Je vhodná pre ľudí, ktorí majú veľmi stesnané zuby a aplikácia medzizubnej kefky je prakticky nemožná. Je však dôležité naučiť sa ju používať správne a nespôsobiť si nevhodnou aplikáciou zranenia ďasna.
<strong>5. Akú zubnú pastu mám používať?</strong>
Treba vedieť, že zubná pasta nie je nevyhnutnosťou pri umývaní zubov. Nijako nám nepomôže zbaviť sa plaku. Takže, ten, kto si čistí zuby bez pasty, nerobí žiadnu chybu. Jej používanie je ale dobrým terapeutickým doplnkom. Rovnako, ako pri zubnej kefke, ani tu nie je dôležitá značka, ale jej parametre.<br>
Mnohé zubné pasty dnes už obsahujú zvýšené množstvo fluoridov. To sú ióny, ktoré sa uplatňujú ako prevencia voči vzniku kazu alebo ako liečba v jeho počiatočnom štádiu, kedy ešte nie je potrebné ošetrenie. Ich rezervoárom je slina a uplatňujú sa ako náhrada vápenatých iónov, keď sú v procese deminaralizácie kyselinami plaku odstraňované zo skloviny. Pri zvýšenom pH v prostredí zubu (teda odstránení mikroorganizmov, teda vhodnej ústnej hygiene) sa zabudovávajú do kryštalickej mriežky skloviny a tá sa stáva pri ďalšom ataku kyselín odolnejšou. Fluoridy je možné aplikovať nielen v zubnej paste každodenným čistením, ale aj použitím gélov, zvyčajne raz týždenne, ktoré dostanete v lekárni, prípadne inými prípravkami, ktoré vám na zubný povrch aplikuje lekár pri pravidelnej preventívnej prehliadke.<br>
Treba sa však vyvarovať nevhodným zubným pastám. Takým, ktoré obsahujú abrazívne častice. Spôsobujú oter skloviny, postupne aj zuboviny, teda stratu zubných tkanív, ktoré sú nenahraditeľné a riešiteľné jedine ošetrením, ktoré môže dospieť až do štádia protetickej náhrady, teda novej koruny.<br>
A myslíte si, že dobrá zubná pasta musí peniť, aby vyčistila zuby? Veľký omyl! K tomu, aby nám pasta dobre penila, používajú výrobcovia látku zvanú SLS (sodium lauryl sulfát). Teda rovnakú látku, akú nájdeme v čistiacich prostriedkoch do domácnosti, v saponátoch, v šampónoch. Túto látku si asi nikto z nás nechce dávať do dutiny ústnej, spôsobuje škody na mäkkých tkanivách, okrem iných aj zvýšený výskyt áft.
Dúfam, že som vám aspoň trochu načrtol problematiku dentálnej hygieny a verím, že kombináciou pravidelného a správneho čistenia zubov a preventívnych prehliadok u vášho lekára, dosiahnete stav, kedy už nebude potrebné obávať sa toho nepríjemného zvuku vŕtačky.
Bullshithunter: “Ako zabiť svoje dieťa – 6 krokov (Nevedomosť zabíja)”
rozobrane klamstvá ktoré prezentujú mnohí samovzdelaní odborníci na
zdravú výživu. Vyvracia mnoho mýtov (ako napríklad to že mlieko
možnosť kontrolovať tieto dotácie verejnosťou, a niektorí sú známy s
Informatívne pre našich rodičov ktorí sa už zberajú do dôchodku ak stihli sporiť v 2. pilieri:
Staré ale jaré – zoznam prečo že sú homosexuáli a ich manželstvá „zlé“:
Economics in 2015
is the proprietor of a bar in Dublin . She realizes that virtually all
of her customers are unemployed alcoholics and, as such, can no longer
afford to patronise her bar.
To solve this problem, she comes up with
a new marketing plan that allows her customers to drink now, but pay
later. She keeps track of the drinks consumed on a ledger (thereby
granting the customers loans).
Word gets around about Mary’s „drink
now, pay later“ marketing strategy and, as a result, increasing numbers
of customers flood into Mary’s bar. Soon she has the largest sales
volume for any bar in Dublin .
By providing her customers‘
freedom from immediate payment demands, Mary gets no resistance when, at
regular intervals, she substantially increases her prices for wine and
beer, the most consumed beverages. Consequently, Mary’s gross sales
volume increases massively. A young and dynamic vice-president at the
local bank recognises that these customer debts constitute valuable
future assets and increases Mary’s borrowing limit. He sees no reason
for any undue concern, since he has the debts of the unemployed
alcoholics as collateral
At the bank’s corporate headquarters, expert
traders figure a way to make huge commissions, and transform these
customer loans into DRINKBONDS, ALKIBONDS and PUKEBONDS. These
securities are then bundled and traded on international security
markets. Naive investors don’t really understand that the securities
being sold to them as AAA secured bonds are really the debts of
unemployed alcoholics. Nevertheless, the bond prices continuously climb,
and the securities soon become the hottest-selling items for some of
the nation’s leading brokerage houses.
One day, even though the bond
prices are still climbing, a risk manager at the original local bank
decides that the time has come to demand payment on the debts incurred
by the drinkers at Mary’s bar. He so informs Mary.
Mary then demands
payment from her alcoholic patrons, but being unemployed alcoholics they
cannot pay back their drinking debts.Since, Mary cannot fulfil her loan
obligations she is forced into bankruptcy. The bar closes and the
eleven employees lose their jobs.
and PUKEBONDS drop in price by 90%. The collapsed bond asset value
destroys the banks liquidity and prevents it from issuing new loans,
thus freezing credit and economic activity in the community.
suppliers of Mary’s bar had granted her generous payment extensions and
had invested their firms‘ pension funds in the various BOND securities.
They find they are now faced with having to write off her bad debt and
with losing over 90% of the presumed value of the bonds. Her wine
supplier also claims bankruptcy, closing the doors on a family business
that had endured for three generations, her beer supplier is taken over
by a competitor, who immediately closes the local plant and lays off 150
Fortunately though, the bank, the brokerage houses and
their respective executives are saved and bailed out by a multi-billion
euro no-strings attached cash infusion from their cronies in Government.
The funds required for this bailout are obtained by new taxes levied on
employed, middle-class, non-drinkers who have never been in Mary’s bar.
Now, do you understand economics in 2015?
Strict marriage rules according genesis
Older notes about Ati Radeon and why I can’t play new games
Could not find required OpenGL entry point glColorMaskIndexedEXT
Driver „radeon“
xserver-xorg-video-ati (6.99.99)
[ 29.467] (II) Module radeon: vendor=“X.Org Foundation“
[ 29.467] compiled for 1.11.3, module version = 6.99.99
~$ glxinfo | grep pen
OpenGL vendor string: X.Org R300 Project
OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on ATI RV570
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 9.0
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
OpenGL extensions:
lspci -nn | grep VGA
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV570 [Radeon X1950 PRO] [1002:7280]
This is not about Xorg. This is a kernel module. You do not need a newer Xorg.
Linux GL drivers work like this:
In the kernel there is a DRM module which does the direct access to the hardware. It is used by the DRI drivers. libdrm acts as a kind of glue between these two.
Linux drivers consist of multiple parts, for 3D acceleration the most important are:
1) Mesa with DRI drivers.
2) The hardware-specific kernel module
3) Other stuff such as libdrm, the X driver, generic stuff in the kernel, etc.
The problem here is that 2) is rather outdated in kernels commonly used. The current version of 2) is not yet part of the mainstream kernel (I suppose Linus wants it to be tested more before it will be unleashed on all Linux users). AFAIK 1) and 3) are already capable of OpenGL 2.1 in current distros.
miro@uhlie:~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Half-Life 2$ ./hl2.sh
Mesa ver date OpenGl ver
10.0 (2013-11-30)[9] 3.3
9.0 (2012-10-08) 3.1
8.0 (2012-02-08) 3.0
7.0 (2007-06-22) 2.1
Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version
default:v2:i686:lib::none:3.2.0-60-generic-pae; make sure that the version is being
correctly set by –iscurrentdistro
+ update
2a – newer version of radeon module:
[ 28.915] (II) Module radeon: vendor=“X.Org Foundation“
[ 28.915] compiled for 1.12.3, module version = 7.1.99
2b – Mesa 9.2.0 (vs 9.0)
Hl2 aj tak nejde…
[ 669.851] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/radeon_drv.so
[ 669.851] (II) Module radeon: vendor=“X.Org Foundation“
[ 669.851] compiled for 1.11.3, module version = 6.99.99
[ 669.870] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/radeon_drv.so
[ 669.871] (II) [KMS] drm report modesetting isn’t supported.
[ 670.117] (II) UnloadModule: „radeon“
[ 670.117] (II) Unloading radeon
After update to Xubuntu 14
[ 35.475] (II) Module glx: vendor=“X.Org Foundation“
[ 35.475] compiled for 1.15.1, module version = 1.0.0
[ 35.475] (II) LoadModule: „radeon“
[ 35.476] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/radeon_drv.so
[ 35.544] (II) Module radeon: vendor=“X.Org Foundation“
[ 35.544] compiled for 1.15.1, module version = 7.3.0
[ 35.544] Module class: X.Org Video Driver
[ 35.544] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 15.0
[ 36.260] (II) config/udev: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0)
miro@uhlie:~$ glxinfo | grep pen
OpenGL vendor string: X.Org R300 Project
OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on ATI RV570
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 10.1.3
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV570 [Radeon X1950 PRO] [1002:7280]
==== 2014-10 ====
To get a slightly newer version of the OpenGl drivers, I would recommend the oibaf drivers from the launchpad website – these implement OpenGl 3.0, and are pretty stable.
To install open a terminal window and enter
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
To remove, you can use ppa-purge
sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers
miro@uhlie:~/work/burza/run_linux$ glxinfo | grep version
server glx version string: 1.4
client glx version string: 1.4
GLX version: 1.4
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 10.4.0-devel (git-6862723 2014-09-30 trusty-oibaf-ppa)
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 2.0 Mesa 10.4.0-devel (git-6862723 2014-09-30 trusty-oibaf-ppa)
OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0.16
Radeon feature matrix:
(R300,R400,R500 = Gl2.1)
support OpenGL 2.0
X1950 = R520/580
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension
Could not find required OpenGL entry point ‚
‚! Either your video card is unsupported, or your OpenGL driver needs to be updated.
Mesa 7.9 Release Notes / October 4, 2010
GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 (in nv50, r600, softpipe, and llvmpipe Gallium drivers)
Mam par rokov stare PC, mam v nom akcelerovanu graficku kartu a tak som si chcel zahrat niektore hry.
A prisiel som na neprijemnu skutocnost, ze niektore novsie mi nepojdu, nech sa aj rozkrajam (finale mojho vyskumu).
Hra: Half Life 2 released in: 2004
Karta: Radeon X1950 PRO released in: 2006 (novsia ako hra)
Install AMD Catalyst latest driver 14.9 9/29/2014 http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Linux+x86
Install fglrx 13.350 from repos
Changing from Radeon to Nvidia, from official to noveau driver
Graphics card: Nvidia GTX 460 (supported by noveau driver, codename NVC0 / Fermi)
Trying nouveau driver, problems that no KMS is enabled:
[ 29.825] (EE) [drm] KMS not enabled
[ 29.826] (EE) No devices detected.
Displaying cat /var/log/kern.log |grep fb0: shows that there is no FrameBuffer assigned. It should show:
fb0: nouveaufb frame buffer device.
KMS could not be enabled, FB:0 is still not set … tried to install noveau.ko through insmod but it was hard (because you have to install dependencies manually)
dmesg | tail (shows errors from insmod)
uname -r
cd /lib/modules/3.13.0-43-generic/kernel/drivers
$ sudo insmod ./platform/x86/wmi.ko
$ sudo insmod ./platform/x86/mxm-wmi.ko
$ sudo insmod ./gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau.ko
$ sudo insmod ./i2c/algos/i2c-algo-bit.ko
$ sudo insmod ./acpi/video.ko
$ sudo insmod ./gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau.ko
nouveau module was loaded, I had to load it manually and also dependencies:
through sudo modprobe <name>
sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/platform/x86/wmi.ko
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/platform/x86/wmi.ko
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/platform/x86/mxm-wmi.ko
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/platform/x86/wmi.ko
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/platform/x86/wmi.ko
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau.ko
How to load them permanently:
1) add them to /etc/modules (only names nothing more)
2) sudo update-initramfs -u
The update-initramfs script manages your initramfs images on your local box.
But still nouveau was loaded manually, framebuffer was assigned, but after reboot all modules except nouveau were loaded.
After more googling found that it was maybe blacklisted. And really, search in the /etc/modprobe.d/ found that file nvidia-current_hybrid.conf contained:
# This file was installed by nvidia-current
# Do not edit this file manually
blacklist nouveau
blacklist lbm-nouveau
alias nouveau off
alias lbm-nouveau off
Started working
After commenting these out nouveau started to work after reboot. Problems:
* Can’t wake up from sleep. Display shows, but freezes, can’t even change to console.
Desktop performance: great. But sometimes flash of older screen (screensaver for example) flashes in Chrome.
Neverball (3d): all good.
Fez: fine, better and smoother than on radeon.
Quake 3: good as usual.
Spy chameleon RGB agent: all good.
Gratitious space battles: all good
Nexuiz: all good
Etherlords through wine 1.6: missing textures. very choppy.
Big problem: after sleep / wakeup any 3D application stops working / or hangs pc.
Interesting reading:
Benchmarks of Windows 8 Pro, Ubuntu 13.10 with Nouveau, and Ubuntu 13.10 with proprietary NVIDIA driver; with GeForce 9800GTX, GTX 460, GTX 680.
Niektoré štáty v USA zakazujú zber dažďovej vody zo striech domov do sudov
Niektoré štáty v USA zakazujú zber dažďovej vody zo striech domov do sudov
Bezpečnostné dvere – basic howto
mas 4 bezpecnostne kategorie
1- klasicke kupelnove dvere s jednoduchymi pantmi a obycajnym zamkom
2- zaklad, konstrukcia dveri zosilena, zakladna ochrana pantov, zamok druej alebo tretej triedy
3- priemer, spevnena konstrukcia, panty dostatocne chranene, zamok tretej alebo stvrtej kategorie
4- top level, spevnena konstrukcia s pridanym „pancierom“, zamok stvrtej kategorie
k druhej kategorii ti staci obycajna zarubna s vyfrezovanymi otvormi pre
dodatocne istiace body, aj ked tu uz zacina byt zarubna najslabsim
clankom, obycajna zarubna s kategoriou 3 je doslova setrenie na
nespravnom mieste, lebo dvere sice nepustia, ale daju sa vytlacit zo
zarubne alebo rovno aj so zarubnou 🙂
pocet istiacich bodov ta zaujimat nemusi pokial mas „zakladny set“, teda
dvere su chranene z kazdej strany – zvycajne zhora a zdola nakraji na
strane oproti pantom a po stranach medzi pantmi (bud tri body ak su len
horny a dolny pant alebo dva body pomedzi 3 panty). na strane zamku
chces mat cca rovnomerne rozmiestnene tiez aspon 3 body.
najdolezitejsie pre teba bude mat vyrobok ktory bol vyrabany vo fabrike
ktora je certifikovana na ISO9001 (cim novsi standard, tym lepsie) a
samozrejme chces aby ti to montovala firma ktora je tiez certifikovana
ak sa ti podari najst firmu ktora vyraba vyrobky certifikovane aj na ISO27001 (po starom ISO17799), mas vyhrate 🙂
tu na Slovensku kupuj iba od Adlo alebo Sherlock – radsej si priplat a
maj spolahlive dvere ako kupit lacne akozebezpecnostnedvere ktore sa ti
po par rokoch v pantoch zacnu priecit 😉
ak si kupis dvere v kategorii 3 a dalej budes vyberat podla ceny, nic nepokazis.
zabudol som, dvere su v kategoriach podla ENV1627 – ak predajca nema na
dvere certifikat, nekupuj to. platnost certifikatu overis vacsinou
bezproblemov online ak mas cislo certifikatu
ENV1627 v zrozumitelnom jazyku: http://www.mrs.cz/aktualni-cislo/soubor.ashx?get_file_content=&id_structure=208318
NVIDIA on Linux
Comparison of proprietary NVIDIA driver with NOVEAU open-source fan-based driver
June 2010 : Noveau gives some performance, but nvidia driver is 5-times better.
A lot info about how Nvidia GTX 460 works on Linux:
Solution for issue with installing nvidia 331 driver – conflict of packages:
How to install newer driver (340) than in repos (331):
(I’m installing 346)
Men Without Hats – The Safety Dance
We can dance, we can dance.
The writer/performer, Ivan Doroschuk, has explained that „The Safety Dance“ is a protest against bouncers stopping dancers pogoing to 1980s new wave music in clubs when disco was dying and new wave was up and coming. New wave dancing, especially pogoing, was different from disco dancing, because it was done individually instead of with partners and involved holding the torso rigid and thrashing about. To uninformed bystanders this could look dangerous, especially if pogoers accidentally bounced into one another (the more deliberately violent evolution of pogoing is slam dancing). The bouncers did not like pogoing so they would tell pogoers to stop or be kicked out of the club. Thus, the song is a protest and a call for freedom of expression. Other lyrics in the song include references to the way pogoing looked to bouncers, especially „And you can act real rude and totally removed/And I can act like an imbecile“.
OpenStreetMap – various details
Prettier looking map made of OSM data:
The aim of Map1.eu is to provide an all-purpose map of the whole Europe in such a quality close to the printed map’s standard.
Waymarked Trails: Cyklistika
Epsilon – porovnanie zvyraznovani
KatasterPortal – Kapor v JOSM:
OSM Filter na zmeny v regione:
http://zverik.osm.rambler.ru/whodidit/index.html –
OSM SK community – kto sleduje ktory region:
PSC miest: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/osm_sk/LewtyAGjmwc
Stav cestných komunikácií na Slovensku – OSM
Starsie fotky map prekryte nad OSM