V úvode sa dozvedáme, kto je Robert Mercer (Ph.D. in computer science, co-CEOs of Renaissance Technologies hedge fund that makes its money by using algorithms to model and trade on the financial markets), kde má peniaze (Trumpova kampaň $13.5m, Breitbart $10m, the Heartland Institute climate change denial thinktank; Cambridge Analytica a i.), s kým sa kamarati (Bannon).
Ďalej akú čitanosť má Breitbart: populárnejší než PornHub; najpopulárnejšia politická stránka na FB/Twitter On election night, Breitbart’s Facebook page received the fourth-highest number of user interactions on the entire platform — beating Fox News, CNN and The New York Times. http://nyti.ms/2loa59r
Aký majú masterplan: Bannon launched Breitbart London, telling the New York Times it was specifically timed ahead of the UK’s forthcoming election. It was, he said, the latest front “in our current cultural and political war”. France and Germany are next.”
Následne o Camridge Analytita (zrhnutie aj tu https://dennikn.sk/679464/staci-68-lajkov-a-zistia-kto-ste-vdaci-trump-za-vitazstvo-datam/ a kritická reakcia napr. tu https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/zahranici/zadny-zabijak-voleb-neexistuje-je-to-jen-sikovna-reklama-jed/r~0dc71f94f20111e69d89002590604f2e/?redirected=1488132683)
Nasleduje pár všeobecných odstavcov o tom, ako môžu byť voľné Bigdata zneužité: With this, a computer can actually do psychology, it can predict and potentially control human behaviour. It’s how you brainwash someone. It’s incredibly dangerous. “It’s no exaggeration to say that minds can be changed. Behaviour can be predicted and controlled."
A ako: There are two things, potentially, going on simultaneously: the manipulation of information on a mass level, and the manipulation of information at a very individual level. Both based on the latest understandings in science about how people work, and enabled by technological platforms built to bring us together. (…) it’s all about reach and the ability to shape the discourse. They are trying to amplify particular political narratives
Situáciu ilustrujú na tom, ako bot-y kreovali konverzáciu a topic trends v prospech "leave" v prípade referenda v UK.
A potom opäť všeobecnejšie veci:
“We make mathematical models of the financial markets which are probability models, and from those we try and make predictions. What I suspect Cambridge Analytica do is that they build probability models of how people vote. And then they look at what they can do to influence that.”
Johan Bollen, associate professor at Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing, tells me how he discovered one possible edge: he’s done research that shows you can predict stock market moves from Twitter. You can measure public sentiment and then model it. “Society is driven by emotions, which it’s always been difficult to measure, collectively. But there are now programmes that can read text and measure it and give us a window into those collective emotions.”
The other people interested in Bollen’s work are those who want not only to measure public sentiment, but to change it. Bollen’s research shows how it’s possible. Could you reverse engineer the national, or even the global, mood? Model it, and then change it?
“It does seem possible. And it does worry me. There are quite a few pieces of research that show if you repeat something often enough, people start involuntarily to believe it. And that could be leveraged, or weaponised for propaganda. We know there are thousands of automated bots out there that are trying to do just that.”
You can take an existing trending topic, such as fake news, and then weaponise it. You can turn it against the very media that uncovered it. Viewed in a certain light, fake news is a suicide bomb at the heart of our information system. Strapped to the live body of us – the mainstream media.
Know how to manipulate information structure and you can manipulate reality.
A na záver dystopiánske uvedenie do kontextu žitej budúcnosti McLuhanom
“World War III will be a guerrilla information war,” it says. “With no divisions between military and civilian participation.”
By that definition we’re already there.
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