xubuntu 8.04 on Asus M6000 how to

graphic drivers work well

keyboard switching

go to Applications / Settings / keyboard , Keyboard shortcuts tab
add Shortcut something like win + F2 = setxkbmap sk qwerty , win + F1 = setxkbmap us
– setxkbmap can’t cycle through keyboards
– panel widget for keyboard switching ain’t displaying current keyboard if you switch it this way.

Volume control through shortcuts

the same as keyboard switching, add shortcuts like win + m = aumix -v0 , win + , = aumix -v-10 , win + . = aumix -v+10

2008-10-18 14:57:26
How to reinstall downloaded packages to freshly new installed xubuntu.

– Copy all the deb packages into respective /var/cache/apt/archive/
– Go to Settings / Repositories and unselect all the repositories.
– Add new 3rd party repository – a list of the packages you want to add (can be located in any directory) with syntax:
deb file:/directory/to/packages-file ./
– If you don’t have this list file ( Packages.gz ) then create it like:
dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz
which you have to run in directory containing the packages. You can put "Packages.gz" anywhere you like.
– run Synaptic, go to ‚status‘ selection section, and choose ‚Not installed‘ list. There you see list of all packages, and you can install them.

2008-10-18 16:55:41
firefox 3.0 file associations
There is something messed up with file associations of files in ‚downloads‘ window of FireFox. You can’t even open containing folder of the downloaded file.

Fix is to install "firefox-3.0-gnome-support".

2008-10-19 16:42:25
To have keyboard shortcuts for volume control enabled, you have to install package ‚aumix‘, its not present by default.

2008-10-20 18:49:27
enable autologin
run: gksudo gdmsetup
in the dialogue, go to Security > Enable Automatic Login

2008-11-01 20:36:51


How to: Xubuntu – Thunar Native Windows Network Browsing

Since Thunar doesn’t have native network Browsing, here is a good way to accomplish it:

1) In XFCE’s Applications -> System -> Shared Folders. (This should trigger a Samba install if you don’t already have a share, and it should allow you to define the proper workgroup)

2) Install fusesmb in Synaptic (from Universe repository)

3) Edit /etc/modules and add the word ‚fuse‘ to the modules list to be loaded (without quotes), and save the file.

4) Reboot, so the fuse module loads, and the proper workgroup is read for samba.

5) In XFCE Applications -> System -> Users and Groups… Properties of your username… User Priveleges Tab… check "Allow use of fuse file systems…"

6) Create a directory that you are going to mount your network browse to… I used /media/network. Change permissions to read / write for group and others (777).

*** 6.5) In a terminal, type: sudo chown <username>:fuse /media/network
(Where <username> is your user account logon name)

*** 6.6) Double check that the permission to use fuse took. Applications -> System -> Users and Groups… Manage Groups… find fuse and choose properties. Make sure your user name account is in that group and check-marked.

*** 6.7) Reboot the system and triple check with step 6.6

7) In XFCE Applications -> Settings -> Autostarted Applications… Add an application… name and describe as you wish… for command line, put: fusesmb /media/network (Or whatever mountoint you created).

Open Thunar, and navigate to the parent folder of your mountpoint… then drag the ‚mounpoint folder‘ to the places (shortcut) pane of thunar.

9) Logout and log back in (So the user privilege and fusesmb autostart will take affect)

*** Added steps to help prevent some access denied issues some people have been experiencing with fusesmb.

2008-11-04 20:03:11
installed WinXP right after Ubuntu
grub does not start up after reboot, you see only WinXP.

– boot in Ubuntu live cd, run it. Run terminal
– sudo grub
inside grub type:
– find /boot/grub/stage1
– root (hdx,y)  <- here type in output from ‚find‘
– setup (hd0)
– quit

reboot and you’re done.

maybe another possibility could be to change window’s partition to unbootable from bootable, and to boot-enable linux partition again. This could be done by:
sudo fdisk /dev/sda
type p and a commands.

2008-11-23 14:57:48

You can’t mount USB stick drive, with error saying something like "You can’t mount bla bla ntfs-3g fuse bla old version bla root" and reference to http://ntfs-3g.org/support.html#unprivileged ? Even though that it is USB stick with FAT16 partition ? Could be caused by that you messed with user privileges. Try to see if your user is in users group, or try adding him to ‚root‘ group too.

2008-12-21 22:10:04
About that USB stick auto-mounting again:
if it still happends, that drive is not automounted, though you can allways mount it with ‚sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usbdisk‘ then you can enable automount by adding mount line to ‚etc/fstab‘:
/dev/sdb1    /media/usbdisk    auto    user,noauto,exec 0 0

2008-12-25 22:28:31
OpenGL programs working slowly ? You have to disable software fallback for mesa. Run driconf and turn off low impact fallback.

package driconf – Driconf is a graphical configuration tool for the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI). It allows customizing performance and visual quality settings of OpenGL drivers on a per-driver, per-screen and/or per-application level.


2009-07-03 17:03:44

all those bluez utils don’t work much, and doing it cmd-line every time is boring. Install "KDEbluetooth" tools, and then run ‚kbluetooth‘. It starts up as tray icon, and gives you comfortable way to browse bluetooth device disks.

2009-07-19 14:42:06
Before running ‚kbluetooth‘ you have to run "sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth start" in terminal.

2009-07-19 17:19:12
kbluetooth is available in package ‚kdebluetooth‘ which is also dependant on package ‚bluez-utils‘

2011-03-18 22:00:49
Listing installed packages in console
aptitude search – | grep -e ^i | sed ‚s/^i.{3}([-._a-zA-z0-9][-_.a-zA-z0-9]*)..*/1/’| sed ‚s/n/&/‘ | tr ‚n‘ ‚ ‚