historia sa opakuje

Hoaxes, disinformation, fake news, zealously shared by poorly
educated masses. Dare scammers, who makes money out of stupidity of
others. Outrageous lies capable to create mass hysteria. Sounds typical
for these days? You are wrong. All of this was invented and widely used
well before the invention of internet. American emperor will show you
that some 150 years ago, there was a truly golden age for all kind of
dark business. So if you are tired of internet trolls and find yourself
over-complaining about post-factual era, reading this book will proof
you were just spoiled. In fact, we probably live in the best and wisest
period in the history of mankind.

Je to výstižný rating knihy „Americký cisár“ ( https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30078133-americk-cis-r )

Kým neexistoval internet tak hoaxy šírili (často podplatení) podomoví
obchodníci ktorí sa často vydávali za niekoho iného. Chodili z dediny do
dediny a šírili medzi neznalým obyvateľstvom informácie ktoré si nemali
ako overiť. Rovnako aj vtedy sa hádzala vina na menšiny. Za všetko
mohli niekedy poliaci, inokedy židia, alebo nemci, slovania … podľa
toho čo sa komu hodilo. Aj vďaka tomu vtedy dobre prosperovalo

História sa neustále opakuje.